Deaf Connect


Create a new brand for a merged organisation with ambitious goals.

Deaf Services Queensland and New South Wales’ Deaf Society merged in 2020. 

The new Leadership Team quickly recognised that a new brand would galvanise the merged teams and provide the clarity to meet their ambition to connect and support Australia’s Deaf community.

Proud and passionate, we understood a key stakeholder in this new brand was the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.  Innovatively, we recruited a deaf and HOH volunteer reference group to provide insight to our strategy and test our creative concepts right alongside the brand development.

Our creativity was further bolstered with the collaboration of a very talented Deaf community member, Experience Designer – Nikhil Bora.

After five months of toil the brand launched to community acclaim, antipodean to the failed rebrands of other Deaf organisations.

Today Deaf Connect is Australia’s premier Deaf community representative and through invitation has expanded its service offerings to the Northern Territory and South Australia.


  • Brand strategy
  • Brand architecture
  • Brand positioning
  • Brand name
  • Brand identity
  • Stakeholder management including focus groups
Digital billboard showcasing the new Deaf Connect brand identity. It reads "Anna is describing the rules to an exciting competition, in Auslan"
Book describing how to become an Auslan interpreter
Out of home poster using the new deaf connect brand identity - it says Community, Culture & Country.
Three tote bags that say "I see what you're saying", "Deaf is not a deficit" "Auslan is for everyone"